Hyperbaric oxygen chamber

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber produces pure oxygen, which helps your immune system fight bacteria and generate stem cells. Stem cells are special cells in your body that help create other types of important cells, including blood cells, brain cells and muscle cells. In this way, the hyperbaric oxygen therapy treats chronic wounds and other medical conditions.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions usually last between one and two hours. The room air would usually contain 21% oxygen, while hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides you with air that contains 100% oxygen. A pressurized chamber delivers oxygen that’s two to three times higher than normal air pressure, which helps your lungs gather and absorb more oxygen.
Oxygen helps the tissues in your body heal and withstand infections. To function properly, the tissues in your body must have enough oxygen. If your tissues are injured, they need even more oxygen. The increased pressure in hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps your blood carry oxygen through your body, especially injured tissues. It also helps your white blood protect your body from infection.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions help in: