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ARE THERE ANY CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR THE THERAPY? WHO SHOULD NOT GET INTO THE POOL?We strongly recommend people with any open wounds, chronic low blood pressure, diabetic feet and during the menstruation cycle to avoid floatation therapy.
WILL THE SALT AND WATER WRINKLE OR AFFECT MY SKIN?Apart from being great for the entire body the Epsom salts are great for the skin as well. You'll walk out with softer and exfoliated skin. We do recommend that you do not shave 24 hours before your session. Any cuts or scratches will cause the salt to sting.
WHAT IF I GOT MY HAIR COLOURED RECENTLY OR GOT A TATTOO!?It's best to run some water through your hair at home to see if any color residue comes off. 4-6 weeks is enough for your skin to heal and the color to settle from a recent tattoo.
CAN I DROWN IF I FALL ASLEEP?It's a physical impossibility to drown in there!
WHAT IF I CAN'T SWIM?You don't need to know or learn how to swim before you float in our tank. Just lie on your back and you'll float regardless of who or what you are!
HOW DO I PREPARE FOR MY FLOAT?Avoid caffeine and a big meal before your session. Try not to shave the day of your float. The salt can cause some irritation to very recently shaved skin.
CAN I FLOAT IF I'M MENSTRUATING?You could follow the same protocol you would for a swimming pool or wait it out for a few days.
DO I NEED TO BRING ANYTHING?Just an open mind and a tired body! Everything you might need will be provided (hand picked and some officially made for liquid sanctuary toiletries). However you could bring your specific pre/post shower necessities if you want to. Also a case for your lenses if you wear them.
HOW DO YOU INSURE SANITATION?Glad you ask! Firstly, the water has over 1000 pounds of Epsom salts which makes it naturally sterile. Secondly, before each session the water is ozonated thoroughly to eliminate a wide variety of inorganic, organic and microbiological matter, if any. The water goes through two micron filters to catch any particulate matter and UV light to kill any bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide is used as a disinfectant (which is safer and better than chlorine). Thus making it possibly the cleanest public tub of water you've ever been in.
ARE FLOAT SESSIONS GOOD GIFTS?You're literally gifting a voucher of better health. A lot of people will never hear or experience the benefits of floatation. You can be the person that brings it into their lives. Irregardless if that person only floats once or decides to make it a part of their lifestyle you have improved their life.
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